How to use the ECG patch?

Plus1Health ECG patch is continuously monitoring 24 hours of ambulatory ECG. It can be measured not only by chest heart patch, but also by handheld devices. It is very portable. ECG patch is composed of wireless ECG monitor and ECG patch. It adopts high-precision biosensor, flexible circuit design, and perfectly fits the skin. Connect the mobile intelligent terminal applet to wirelessly transmit the ECG waveform in real time. After the monitoring is completed, the automatic analysis report of dynamic electrocardiogram can be generated, and the doctor can also be applied for online consultation.

There are two detection methods for ECG stickers: handheld and heart stickers.

1. Handheld mode:

When the user suddenly feels unwell and wants to quickly detect the electrocardiogram, he can choose to use the method of holding hands to detect the routine electrocardiogram for a short time, which is convenient and fast, and can be measured anytime and anywhere. After the detection, a reference report will be automatically generated. The user only needs to use the host alone, touch the metal electrode on the host with both fingers, and connect the small program to complete the measurement.

2. Heart sticking method:

When users want to continuously monitor the ECG for a long time, they can choose to use the chest patch to detect the dynamic ECG. This function can collect the dynamic ECG for 24 hours. After the measurement is completed, the reference report of the dynamic ECG will also be automatically generated. Users only need to install the host into the ECG stick shell, use two disposable electrodes to stick to the chest position, fix the whole device, and connect the applet to start collecting the dynamic ECG.
