Smart mattress monitors physical signs to help intelligent elderly care

Smart elderly care is to use advanced technical means, such as the IoT, intelligent hardware, cloud computing and big data to develop the IoT system platform for the elderly at home, communities and institutions, and provide real-time, fast, efficient, connected and intelligent elderly care services. With the help of the “elderly care” and “health” comprehensive service platforms, medical services, operators, service providers, individuals and families are connected to meet the diversified and multi-level needs of the elderly, promote the intelligent upgrading of elderly care services, and improve the level of elderly care services. Intelligence and technology have become the new development focus of the elderly care industry, and is an important direction of the development of China’s elderly care industry at present.

Smart elderly care involves many scenarios: institutions, communities, and individual home-based elderly care. At present, there are many products on the market, focusing on the elderly’s “safety care”, “emergency assistance”, “health management”, “life care”, “rehabilitation therapy”, “spiritual comfort”, “humanistic care” and other aspects.

The smart mattress collects the subtle signals caused by the heartbeat and respiration of the human body at rest through the high sensitivity sensing device, accurately collects the physical sign data of the elderly in an unrestrained state, and transmits the collected physical sign data to the cloud through the network for data storage and professional data analysis. By setting the range of physical sign parameters, when abnormal vital signs occur, it can send an alarm in time and help in time.

Smart mattresses can screen for sleep apnea syndrome. The incidence rate of sleep apnea syndrome increases with age, especially in obese people, and is easily neglected. In fact, long-term sleep apnea syndrome can cause severe hypoxemia, sleep disorder, hypertension, arrhythmia, cardio-cerebrovascular disease and respiratory failure, and some patients may also die suddenly at night. The smart mattress can realize the screening of sleep apnea syndrome by monitoring the nocturnal respiratory wave of the elderly, and then intervene early to reduce the occurrence of related diseases and slow down the process of related diseases.

The promotion and application of smart mattresses can be applied to deal with the safety monitoring of home-based elderly care, especially the empty-nest and widowed elderly. As for the community arrangement of elderly care, the intelligent interconnection functions of smart mattress, such as automatic monitoring, timely warning, overrun alarm and risk prevention, have greatly reduced nursing risks, improved the work efficiency of nursing staff, and provided more humanized services for the elderly and families.

The smart mattress collects the physical sign data of the elderly in real time and automatically uploads it to the platform. The elderly data of each room can be displayed on the large screen of the duty room at a glance, and the nursing workers or children can also view the elderly data synchronously. Then, according to the elderly’s breathing, heart rate, sleep and other data, provide timely and detailed elderly care services for the elderly.

There are many elderly people in the nursing home, and the nursing staff cannot take care of everyone 24 hours a day. The smart mattress can monitor the user’s state of leaving the bed. When the old person leaves the bed for too long, the system will send an alarm to prompt the nurse to go to the ward for a targeted check, to prevent the elderly from falling down or other accidents that occur when they get up at night and are not handled in time, resulting in more serious consequences. It can help nursing staff to know the physical condition of the elderly at any time so as to take corresponding measures to provide the quality and efficiency of nursing services, and also reduce the labor intensity of nursing staff.

Smart mattress of Plus1Health is an intelligent monitoring product developed for families (especially the elderly), providing family sleep and physical health monitoring, real-time sleep monitoring, daily sleep report, and monthly sleep data, allowing children outside to remotely monitor their parents at home, grasp their physical conditions in real time, and provide you with comprehensive health advice and care in combination with professional medical institutions.

With the leapfrog development of artificial intelligence, intelligent pension is bound to become the mainstream pension mode in the future. In the future, smart mattresses will be used in various communities and institutions for the aged. The purpose is to monitor the physical condition of the elderly in real time, effectively help nursing staff or children take good care of the elderly, and strive to achieve a sense of security for the elderly, a sense of support for the elderly, a sense of happiness for the elderly, and a sense of security for the elderly, so as to reassure the children outside and make the elderly feel comfortable.
