The kindergarten nap solution helps the park establish the concept of smart kindergarten

Lunch naps are an important part of kindergarten day activities, and they are also important factors that directly affect children’s growth and development, physical health, and learning status. Kindergarten children are too young to take care of themselves, and more often require the help of park management personnel to take care of them. However, management personnel have limited monitoring energy and cannot ensure the sleep quality and safety of each child in real time. In such circumstances, there is a need for an intelligent tool – an smart monitoring belt, to help managers understand the situation of their children’s naps, which can also greatly alleviate the work pressure of management personnel and make management services more user-friendly.

Plus1Health is committed to improving the informatization level of kindergartens, providing systematic solutions for preschool children such as sleep safety, health warning, health big data, and home school linkage.

1. Ability to manage sleep

The sleep of children aged 3 to 6 is a golden period of growth. The flexible senseless sleep monitoring belt+small program automatically generates a daily report on the sleep status of each baby, making their sleep quality clear at a glance.

2. Disease early warning capability

From sleep monitoring to disease early warning, when babies are found to have potential disease risks during sleep, early warning information is pushed as soon as possible to reduce the park’s accident rate.

3. Big data decision-making ability

All baby sleep data in the park are accumulated into big data, providing a strong basis for park managers to formulate corresponding health services.

4. Parent co management ability

Regularly push children’s sleep status to parents, allowing them to participate in their children’s sleep management, and enhancing the collaborative ability between the park and parents.

5. Refined operation capability

Empowering the park with technology for refined operation, helping the park establish advanced smart

kindergarten concepts, and demonstrating brand differentiation.

Plus1Health provides kindergarten with sleep solutions for children. By participating in the entire sleep process of children through intelligent hardware, parents and teachers can understand the entire sleep process of children through software, and can analyze problems arising during the sleep process of children, provide timely warnings, help parents and schools better understand their children’s sleep conditions, and enable children to bid farewell to sleep difficulties and grow healthier.
