How to conduct sleep health monitoring for primary and secondary school students?

According to the spirit of the 2021 National Education Work Conference and the “Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students” issued by the Ministry of Education, the country is increasingly concerned about the sleep quality of primary and secondary school students.

Sleep is an important link in the healthy growth of students, and an important embodiment of the school’s emphasis on the comprehensive development of students’ moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor. Improving classroom efficiency requires students to have a good mental state. The sleep status of students is the key to an efficient classroom. It is necessary to actively do a good job of improving students’ sleep status, guide parents to pay attention to students’ sleep quality, and promote the importance of sleep and the dangers of insufficient sleep, so as to achieve a consensus between home and school, and jointly promote the healthy growth of students.

However, how to effectively improve students’ sleep quality and how to do so require monitoring with some equipment, further analysis after obtaining data, and effective management of differences based on actual conditions and individual differences.

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder device that can be embedded in a mattress and can monitor sleep heart rate and respiratory rate. The length and frequency of time and frequency of leaving bed and turning over during sleep can also be monitored. Abnormal sleep center rate and respiratory rate can be early warning, and snoring during sleep can also be monitored. Patients with sleep apnea syndrome can be screened as soon as possible and treated in a timely manner.

Schools can take targeted preventive and management measures based on monitoring data to determine whether students who leave bed and turn over frequently during sleep are affected by other snoring classmates due to their shallow sleep, and whether snoring students have sleep apnea syndrome. They should take preventive measures as soon as possible for these students, and remind their parents to take their students to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.
