how to use a Holter monitor?

Here is how to use a Holter monitor, which is a type of portable electrocardiogram (ECG) device used for heart monitoring:

1. Clean the skin where you will attach the electrodes with alcohol wipes and allow it to dry.

2. Attach the electrodes to your chest in the designated locations as directed by your healthcare provider.

3. Connect the wires from the electrodes to the Holter monitor device.

4. Turn on the Holter monitor and ensure that it is functioning properly.

5. Wear the device for 24-48 hours while performing your normal daily activities, except for showering or bathing.

6. Keep a diary of any symptoms you experience during this time, such as palpitations or dizziness.

7. Return the Holter monitor to your healthcare provider at the end of your monitoring period.

It’s important to follow all instructions provided by your healthcare provider when using a Holter monitor or any other type of heart monitoring device.
