The elderly care industry ushered in the development opportunity of the combination with medical care and elderly care, and the smart elderly care model has become the focus of development

The combination of nursing services and medical services is the main direction with the development of the elderly care industry. The elderly care service industry will develop in the direction of branding, large-scale and independent development, and the level of specialization and delicacy of elderly care services will be further improved. Smart old-age care is the top priority in the development of old-age service models. It will cover a variety of forms about old-age care, form a smart and healthy old-age care ecosystem, and help old-age resources achieve effective docking and optimal allocation.

Smart health care uses the new generation of information technology products such as IoT, cloud computing, big data, and intelligent hardware to realize the effective connection and optimal configuration of individuals, families, communities, institutions and health care resources, and promote the intelligent upgrade of health care services. Improve the quality and efficiency of health care services.

With the continuous breakthroughs in information technologies such as big data, IoT and intelligent sensing, and the continuous advancement of smart city construction, wisdom, health, and elderly care have become an inevitable trend in the development of the global elderly care market.

The low-power, miniaturized intelligent sensing technology of intelligent health care terminal, indoor and outdoor high-precision positioning technology, large-capacity, miniaturized energy supply technology, low-power, high-performance microprocessor and lightweight operating system, breakthroughs are suitable for the health and physiological detection and monitoring technology of the health management terminal promotes the development of intelligent analysis technologies such as real-time analysis of health status and trend analysis of health big data.

With the popularity of the Internet today, diagnosis and services will break through the original geographical restrictions, and pension resources will be more even. Health management and preliminary diagnosis will be home-based, and individuals, families, and institutions can achieve more efficient distribution and connection.

Since 2012, China has begun to promote the construction of “smart cities”. The exploration and development of urban intelligent management network technology has realized the technicalization and informatization of various service functions in cities, especially large and medium-sized cities, which have basically achieved full network coverage. This provides objective conditions for the development of smart old-age care.

With the deepening of aging and social development, the traditional pension model cannot fully adapt to the current increasingly changing pension needs, and it has become a trend to seek new multi-complex governance methods to solve the multi-level needs of the elderly.

Plus1Health can provide smart health care terminal equipment, smart care platform systems and solutions for the smart care model that combines medical care. The integrated medical and elderly care system uses advanced information technologies such as IoT,the Internet, mobile Internet technology, intelligent calling, cloud technology, and GPS positioning technology to create a smart elderly care service model of “system + service + elderly + terminal”. The combination of nourishment may become a trend in future development, and the future can be expected!
