What are the ways to monitor heart rate for people with high blood pressure?

Sympathetic activity and high blood pressure are interrelated. A high heart rate increases the chance of developing high blood pressure, which in turn, can cause damage to heart function.

In people who already have high blood pressure, inhibiting sympathetic nerve activity can slow the heart rate and lower blood pressure. When the heart rate of hypertensive patients is higher than 75 beats/min, heart rate management is recommended. Rational use of antihypertensive drugs under the guidance of doctors, long-term heart rate monitoring, and establishment of a good lifestyle, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, stable mood, guaranteed sleep, and strict self-disciplined living habits, so as to improve the health of patients with hypertension and quality of Life.

Heart rate can be monitored by touch pulse, heart auscultation, electronic sphygmomanometer, electrocardiogram, ambulatory blood pressure.

1. Office heart rate: Count the heart rate by touching the pulse and auscultating of the heart. There are many factors that affect heart rate, including physiological factors, psychological factors, environment and body position. There are many factors affecting the heart rate in the clinic. Even if the measurement is standardized, it is still difficult to avoid overestimating the resting heart rate.

2. Home self-measurement of heart rate: It is recommended that patients use a home automatic sphygmomanometer to measure and report heart rate at the same time. Home self-measurement of heart rate may provide more valuable information for clinical practice. The frequency of home self-measurement of heart rate is usually two times a day in the morning and evening, and the average value is taken.

3.Dynamic heart rate monitoring: It can be measured by 24-hour electrocardiogram and 24-hour blood pressure. Compared with office heart rate and home self-measured heart rate, ambulatory heart rate can provide more predictive information for clinical practice. 24-hour heart rate monitoring reflects the cumulative damage to the arterial wall caused by cardiac hemodynamic load and mechanical tension of the arterial wall. Ambulatory heart rate should be reported in hypertensive patients at the same time as ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.

Download the heart rate app for free : AFibCheck on the App Store (apple.com) , or search “AFibCheck” from each app market to install the app.
