Are different groups of people affected by snoring?

Snoring is a ubiquitous sleep phenomenon. At present, most people don’t take it seriously, and some people regard snoring as a sign of sound sleep. In fact, snoring is the enemy of health. Because snoring causes sleep apnea repeatedly, it causes severe hypoxia in the brain and blood, resulting in hypoxemia, which induces hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and angina pectoris. Nocturnal apnea for more than 120 seconds is prone to sudden death in the early morning.

1. Women snoring and looking older

Many women, especially middle-aged and older women who are fatter, also snore. Women snoring and age fast:

(1) Snoring causes poor blood, resulting in loose facial skin, roughness, bad breath, premature crow’s feet, cloudy whites of the eyes, dark circles, large eye bags, irregular menstruation, easy aging and other symptoms, even if you use cosmetics to no avail.

(2) Women’s snoring will make people feel disgusted and disgusted, causing the alienation of lovers and friends. Nervousness during sleep can easily lead to neurasthenia. People will become sensitive and form personality disorders such as withdrawn and anxious.

2. Men’s snoring hurts the body and kidneys

The pace of life in modern society is accelerating, the social environment is complex, and men are under great pressure. Coupled with smoking, drinking, and gaining weight, many men snored when they were sleeping, had sleep apnea, and were often suffocated. Long-term snoring can cause headaches, dizziness, insomnia, forgetfulness, kidney deficiency, immunity and other diseases. Not only did he not sleep well, but he was often complained by those living in the same room.

3. Pediatric snoring needs to be vigilant

Pediatric snoring patients are mostly due to nasopharyngeal adenoid and tonsil hypertrophy or developmental malformations of craniofacial structures. Due to the obvious obstructive lesions of the airway, apnea is prone to occur, resulting in hypoxia, which affects the normal development and learning of children. It has been reported that severe snoring can cause dementia in children. So if your child snores at night, and has trouble concentrating in class, lethargy, memory loss, and poor academic performance, first go to an otolaryngologist to check the nasopharynx and tonsils. If there is significant hypertrophy, appropriate treatment is required.

4. Adolescent snoring affects development

In addition to affecting sleep quality, adolescent snoring also affects many systems in the body. Adolescents with severe snoring are often accompanied by sleep apnea, resulting in nocturnal hypoxia and hypercapnia. Due to the physical growth of adolescents, the necessary growth hormone will only reach its peak during deep sleep. Long-term chronic hypoxia will cause a lack of growth hormone, affect growth and development, and affect academic performance.

5. Snoring of the elderly affects life expectancy

When people get older, their metabolism slows down, and the heart and brain are prone to hypoxia. Snoring will aggravate the hypoxia of the heart and brain, and increase the incidence of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, arrhythmia, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, vascular dementia and other diseases. If you have already suffered from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, snoring is tantamount to “falling into trouble”, which will make the condition “worse” and make it more stubborn and intractable.

Snoring is a very common disease. If it is not pay attention to in life, it will even lead to sudden death. Snoring is a very harmful thing. Frequent snoring will not only affect people’s sleep quality, but also It is easy to lead to various diseases, so snoring must be actively treated and prevented in life.

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder that can do sleep monitoring, monitor heart rate, breathing rate, and screen for sleep apnea, and issue timely and accurate reports. There is also a free snoring APP called “Snore Tracker“.
