Sleep Applications

Sleep monitor AI products, solutions and

What are the ways to check for sleep apnea syndrome?

Sleep apnea syndrome is a very troublesome sleep breathing disease. The main clinical manifestations of patients are sleep snoring at night with apnea and daytime sleepiness. This disease may also cause complications such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and diabetes. Even some patients will die suddenly at night, so what methods will be used in …

What are the ways to check for sleep apnea syndrome? Read More »

Why do people snore when they sleep? Is there any way to relieve it?

Snoring not only affects the people around you, but also affects your own sleep quality. According to relevant studies, snoring is not a good sign of sleep, but a sign of physical discomfort during sleep. Why do people snore when they sleep? Ordinary snoring is mostly caused by narrowed airways, enlarged tonsils, etc.. Generally speaking, …

Why do people snore when they sleep? Is there any way to relieve it? Read More »

Smart Home Building Institutional Smart Pension System,making the elderly more comfortable

Today’s elderly people have not yet fully integrated into intelligent life, so that intelligent services for the elderly should be integrated and developed in specific application scenarios, such as smart home, smart community and smart medical care, to promote the development of the smart elderly care industry. 1.The main target of smart old-age care: institutional …

Smart Home Building Institutional Smart Pension System,making the elderly more comfortable Read More »

What smart elderly care products can monitor the old age heart rate and breathing rate ?

With the gradual increase in the number of elderly people, pension has also become a topic of public concern. How to improve the living environment of the elderly in a complex environment, so that the elderly can have something to support, depend on, enjoy and feel at ease. To realize this series of old-age care construction, …

What smart elderly care products can monitor the old age heart rate and breathing rate ? Read More »

How to build a sleep monitoring system?

You can use the sleep recorder and monitoring screen of Plus1Health Technology Co., Ltd. to build your own sleep monitoring system through Bluetooth/WIFI/4G/5G connections. 1.Connect the device Search for “Plus1Health – Sleep Tracking” app in the mobile phone application store and download it, then open the app, connect the sleep recorder, the app will automatically prompt to set …

How to build a sleep monitoring system? Read More »

What hazards are obstructive sleep apnea syndrome?

Blocking Sleep Respiratory Syndrome (OSAS) is due to the incapaci and ventilation caused by clogging or stenosis of the upper airway during sleep, causing symptoms such as snoring, apnea, sleep structure, etc., causing repeated body lacking Oxygen, daytime lethargy, mental unconventional, etc. In the past, OSAS did not attract everyone’s attention, thinking that snoring is …

What hazards are obstructive sleep apnea syndrome? Read More »
