How should home care for atrial fibrillation be done?

Atrial fibrillation is almost a heart disease that many elderly people are prone to suffer from. When this type of disease occurs, the body will feel very obvious symptoms of discomfort. Therefore, in addition to treatment, care in daily life is also very important. In the diet, you should also choose to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and reduce the intake of salt, which will help stabilize the disease.

With the increasing number of patients with high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, the number of patients with atrial fibrillation is also on the rise. Symptoms of atrial fibrillation are mainly manifested in rapid and irregular heartbeat, chest tightness, dizziness, fatigue and difficulty breathing. Once a patient with atrial fibrillation occurs at home, active treatment should be carried out first. At present, drug therapy is still an important method for the control of atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation also pays attention to certain methods in home care. Patients with atrial fibrillation should often observe changes in heart rate, blood pressure and heart rhythm. During the period of taking the medicine, it is necessary to go to the hospital to review the electrocardiogram regularly, pay close attention to the adverse reactions of the patient, and deal with the abnormality as soon as possible. Usually, you can also use the ECG stickers of Plus1Health for more monitoring, which can quickly check the ECG and give it to the doctor for analysis. During an acute attack, patients with atrial fibrillation should absolutely be able to rest in bed.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the diet. Eat more foods rich in protein and vitamins. Lean meat, fish and shrimp, eggs and milk are all good choices. You should also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Be sure to supervise the patient not to smoke, drink less alcohol, drink less strong tea and coffee, not eat spicy and irritating food, and reduce the intake of sodium salt every day. The mood of patients with atrial fibrillation is generally more annoyed, and the mood is often depressed, which requires the nurse to appease the patient’s mood, eliminate the patient’s fear and ideological concerns in time, and keep the patient in a comfortable and calm mood at all times to enhance his Confidence in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, to avoid the patient’s long-term mental stress.

For patients with atrial fibrillation, scientific and effective home care can even exceed the good effect of drug treatment. If the nurses maintain a meticulous and amiable attitude, the nursing effect can be increased to a greater extent. In this soft and friendly atmosphere, patients can stretch their hearts, take medicines on time, have a reasonable diet, and use the patient’s own good mood to enhance their resistance to the greatest extent, and promote the patient’s early recovery.
