How should pregnant women choose mattresses?

Because the body shape of pregnant women is very different from that of normal women, more attention should be paid to the selection of mattresses. During pregnancy, the abdomen and waist of pregnant women become heavier, sleep is easy to be unstable, it is difficult to turn over, and it is easy to get up with backache. Therefore, it is particularly important to choose a suitable mattress for pregnant women, so how to choose it?

Compared with the head and limbs, the waist and abdomen of pregnant women are heavier. At this time, if the mattress is too soft, the waist will sag downward, making the spine of pregnant women be forced to bend, causing muscle tension, and it is easy to get back pain over time. In addition, the baby in the belly of a pregnant woman will also be in a state of oppression because of body depression, affecting the growth and development of the baby.

Therefore, we need to select a mattress that is easy to turn over for pregnant women. The mattress that is easy to turn over has a solid and strong support, which can balance the body gravity, help pregnant women adjust their posture during sleep, and thus improve the quality of sleep. The mattress with hard sleep and good support can support the spine and waist of pregnant women enough to relax and rest the body.

The smart mattress solution of Plus1Health is made with ergonomics as the design principle, combined with high-tech technology, and can adjust the soft and hard. Functionally, it can be adjusted in various ways, such as back and leg lifting, back lifting, leg lifting, free lifting, etc. Relax and zero stress to share your body weight, and let you choose a more comfortable sleeping position. It also has functions such as massage to stop snoring, which can relieve the edema and cramp of pregnant women’s legs, automatically recognize snoring and lift the mattress to stop snoring, effectively relieve fatigue, help improve sleep and improve sleep quality.

In addition to the above functions, it can also conduct real-time sleep monitoring and abnormal warning. The mattress has a built-in high-sensitivity sensor, which can accurately capture user data, judge the user’s sleep status through algorithms, provide sleep and physical health data, and timely issue a sleep report to give you comprehensive health advice and care.
