How to prevent sleep apnea syndrome?

1. Enhance physical exercise, maintain good living habits, pay attention to sleep hygiene, take a warm bath or soak your feet before going to bed, and do not play with your mobile phone before going to bed at night.

2. Lose weight and control weight. Fat precipitation in the upper airway soft tissue of obese people, small lumen, and fat infiltration in the upper airway muscle tissue can cause muscle tissue connection relaxation, leading to increased compliance of the upper airway, causing airway collapse and poor breathing.

3. Quit smoking and drinking. Smoke can damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reduce the sensitivity of the respiratory tract, and cause aggravation of respiratory symptoms; Alcohol can reduce the movement of muscles around the upper respiratory tract, increase the occurrence of sleep disordered breathing, heavy snoring, night disordered breathing and hypoxemia, especially drinking before sleep.

4. Pay attention to monitoring blood sugar and blood pressure. Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome often causes blood pressure to rise and blood sugar to be unstable. At home, we should also pay attention to long-term monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar.

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder that can monitor heart rate and respiratory rate, and check sleep apnea syndrome.

5. Do not take sedative and hypnotic drugs, which will inhibit the respiratory center. The sedatives can reduce the movement of muscles around the upper respiratory tract and increase the occurrence of sleep disordered breathing.

6. Take a side lying position, preferably the right side. When sleeping, you can put something on your back to keep the side lying position. The supine position may aggravate the retroflexion of the base of the tongue and the obstruction of the upper airway.

7. The operation solves the problem of upper airway stenosis. After the operation, pay attention to soft food and light diet, and avoid strenuous exercise in a short period of time.
