Intelligent human life signs monitoring system:Real-time breathing, heart rate and alerts,prevent danger to life

Intelligent life signs monitoring system, according to the alarm mechanism set in advance, the alarm of human life signs (heart rate, respiratory rate, HRV heart rate mutation, fatigue pressure index, etc.), leaving bed/body motion time exceeding limit can be applied to Supervisor, guardianship of mental patients, and elderly care institutions, etc., effectively improve the efficiency of supervision and guardianship and safety security.

1.Product overview

The intelligent life signs monitoring system includes a signs monitoring equipment, intelligent monitoring screen and software system. That is, the guardian person only needs to lie on the monitoring pad to monitor the data such as heart rate, respiratory rate and other life signs; in bed/leave, body movement and other states and data overruns or abnormal state. Through the wired/wireless transmission method, the relevant data is transmitted to the duty room or command center, an abnormal alarm, supports big data analysis, and truly achieves multi -level security management of the guardian personnel.

The life signs monitoring system is composed of inductive mattresses (embedded sleep recorders), computer workstations, wireless routes and accessories.

2. Application scheme

►Smart Mattress/Smart Pillow/Smart Cushion

Technology empowers traditional furniture and bedding, leading the “smart +” fashion

►Smart old-age care

Nursing institutions and home care are necessary, remote real-time care

►Smart baby care

Caring for growth and development every day, both home and school

►Smart Home/Smart Hotel

Automatically adjust electrical appliances based on sleep state for comfort and peace of mind

►Smart Ward

Low-cost, convenient and safe real-time monitoring to improve the work efficiency of medical staff

►Wisdom Prison

Prevent unexpected risks at low cost

►Chronic disease home monitoring

Suffering from chronic diseases, home health monitoring and management

►Scientific Sleep Research Institute

Academic research, project declaration, publication of papers

►Health management of other special industries

Drivers, Firefighters, Soldiers, Mental State Matters

Plus1Health has a intelligent life signs monitoring system. It is currently used in many supervisory hospital monitoring projects, and nursing homes monitoring, psychiatric hospital monitoring and use. In specific applications, the menu and interface settings can be performed according to the requirements, and the alarm mechanism can be set.
