Real-time monitoring of heart rhythm to protect heart health

Heart is like a pump. The heart contracts and relaxes rhythmically. It bounces blood form the heart to the whole body. When this rhythm is affected, it will turn into a chaotic, which is arrhythmia. Arrhythmia may be caused by problems in the structure of the heart, that is, organic disease, or it may be functional (because some factors make it difficult to beat, such as life pressure, poor rest, etc.).

Because all kinds of arrhythmia are handled differently, we need to figure out what the problem is in our arrhythmia in order to konw how to deal with it effectively. The electrocardiogram monitoring is to record our electrocardiogram through the electrodes on the body surface to analyza the heart rate (beats per minute) and heart rhythm (beating rhythm).

Commonly used detection methods include ECG,Hotre and various professional remote ECG detaction equipment. The electrocardiogram is the most commonly used, cheap and convenient inspection method, which can accurately record the ECG sitution at the moment of inspection. The disadvantage is that the inspection time is short and it is difficult to capture paroxysmal arrhythmias. Hoter can be understood as a 24-hour continunous ECG test. By continuously wearing the tester, it can record the ECG at night and during activities.The disadvantage is that the Hoter machine is too large and there are many electrodes is machine’s surface. It requires repeated trips to the hospital to install and disassemble the machine. Arrhythmia under certain specific causes may also be missed.

Remote ECG detection equipment is an ECG monitoring method that has developed rapidly in recent years. Due to the proper increase of the detection time, the success rate of arrhythmia diagnosis can be increased by 3-9 times. The small test machine can achieve long-term ECG recording form 1 week to 3 months, which will more effectively reduce the missed detection and achieve accurate ECG analysis. At the same time, you can view the real-time ECG status through the mobile phone APP.

For example, Plus1Health‘s remote ECG solution, medical-grade arrhythmia algorithm, can monitor arrhythmia and other problems in real time.
