Smart Snoring Prevention Mattress Solution – Physical Snoring Prevention to Improve Sleep Quality

It is understood that people who snore for a long time are likely to suffer from OSAHS. Approximately three thousand people worldwide die from this disease every day, and almost all patients have a history of snoring during sleep, with approximately one in five snorers suffering from this disease. If sleep monitoring confirms that snoring has affected physical health, timely intervention and treatment should be carried out.

If, after monitoring, it is shown that one is suffering from OSAHS, how to treat it?

It is recommended not to use a ventilator for now. Although the effect of the ventilator is immediate. But it requires plugging in and wearing a mask, which is inconvenient to use. If there is a sudden power outage, there are safety hazards and even some criticized problems. For example, positive pressure ventilation not only works when you inhale, but also when you exhale, which can affect the comfort of normal breathing and affect sleep. If you are a patient with severe apnea, it is recommended to use a ventilator again.

It is recommended that patients with moderate to mild sleep apnea be treated with weight loss and lateral sleep.

Weight loss can reduce the degree of respiratory obstruction, and in reality, more than half of patients can reduce and slow down snoring and obstructive sleep apnea through successful weight loss.

Side sleeping can prevent soft tissue in the throat and tongue from falling back and compressing the airway, reduce airway pressure caused by extra weight on the abdomen, chest, and neck, avoid respiratory obstruction, effectively improve respiratory conditions, and reduce snoring. For the anti snoring effect of lateral lying, many research literature has also provided clear conclusions: lateral lying (at least 30 °) is the main influencing factor of snoring rate and AHI (apnea hypopnea index). The ideal lateral sleeping position can reduce the snoring rate by 80%. In addition, when lying on the side at least 30 ° and raising the back by 2cm, AHI can be reduced by 80%.

Some people may say that sleeping on their side also snores, what’s the matter?

If you snore while lying on your side, it may be because there is too much meat on your neck, which compresses the airways severely. Even if you lie on your side, you cannot open the airways. Therefore, you need to lose weight first, and then receive side sleep treatment after appropriate weight loss, which can achieve good anti snoring effects.

Is sleeping on the side just enough for sleeping on the side? Of course not.

You sleep on your side, but after falling asleep at night, you cannot guarantee your posture, so maintaining a side sleep also requires skills and methods. Human intelligence is infinite, and the predecessors in the field of sleep have invented devices to help people lie on their sides, and they have been updated and iterated with the progress of technology.

Smart Snoring Mattresses – With the development of the smart home industry, products such as smart snoring mattresses have emerged. The principle of an smart anti-snoring mattress is to monitor snoring sound and push the snorer’s head position to move, automatically raising the back angle to guide the body to lie on its side, thereby adjusting the airway angle to achieve the purpose of anti-snoring. Equipped with a dedicated app, just like a user’s private sleep doctor, it will collect data on snoring duration during their sleep and assist users in monitoring changes in their sleep quality.
