Smart watch/band with ECG monitoring function and its solution, real-time monitoring, abnormal warning, timely detection and prevention of hidden dangers to heart health

In recent years, a variety of smart bracelets and watches have appeared on the market, and their functions are similar, most of which are monitoring heart rate, blood oxygen, blood sugar, and step counting. Because of this, smart bracelets and watches are not as popular as they used to be in recent years, but if there is a medical-grade ECG watch and bracelet with ECG monitoring function, can it be used in many common smart watches and bracelets? Get the top spot?

The most valuable of the ECG watches is the ECG. The principle of the electrocardiogram is not difficult to understand. In simple terms, when the heart muscle contracts, it will bring about tiny changes in the electrodes, sending out electrical activity signals that can be transmitted to the body surface through body fluids. Therefore, electrode leads are placed on the human body, and through a specific algorithm, these electrical activity signals can be captured and recorded to form an electrocardiogram that can reflect the heart activity. Through ECG, doctors can judge various heart problems of patients, such as arrhythmia, myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease, atrial ventricular hypertrophy, etc. But in fact, in such a signal acquisition process, it is not so easy. Since the heart is three-dimensional, in order to have a more comprehensive understanding of the heart activity, the medical ECG equipment commonly used in the world is often to place 4 and 6 electrode pads on the human limbs and on the chest surface on the side of the heart, and then connect with the lead wires through the lead wires. A galvanometer on the device is connected to record clear electrical signals from the four atria and ventricles of the heart.

Medical ECG equipment is divided into two types: static and dynamic. Like our ECG results during physical examination, it belongs to static ECG, which can only record ECG data within two or three minutes of measurement time; dynamic ECG can continuously record ECG signals within 24 hours, which is more suitable for patients’ monitoring. Clinical observation, but doctors can only see the data recorded throughout the day on the second day to make judgments about the patient’s symptoms. Because of this, medical ECG equipment does have drawbacks, that is, it cannot monitor ECG changes in real time at all times, and it cannot issue early warnings for abnormalities in time.

Globally, the prevalence of cardiovascular disease continues to rise. According to the calculation of the National Cardiovascular Disease Center, there are more than 300 million patients with cardiovascular disease in my country, which means that every five people have a patient. At the same time, the “2019 Global Health Estimates Report” released by the WHO shows that heart disease has been the leading cause of death globally in the past 20 years. What touches the domestic community even more is that with the increasing pressure and intensity of work, sudden cardiac death has become a nightmare that contemporary young people are very afraid. If real-time monitoring and real-time feedback of the heart’s condition can be achieved, things like sudden employee death may not happen.

In this context, it is logical that smart watches that are very convenient to wear join the mobile ECG battle. The ECG results of smart watches can provide doctors with instant information about patients complaining about an abnormal period, which can provide a partial basis for doctors’ diagnosis; on the other hand, smart watches can also be regarded as an effective aid for long-term follow-up of patients outside the hospital. means. Compared with medical ECG equipment, smart watches with ECG function can not only detect ECG anytime, anywhere, but also allow people to measure in a calmer state. After all, in the hospital environment, some people are inevitably overly nervous, which leads to deviations in the results.

Plus1Health has professional ECG smart watch/band product solutions, which can easily measure and record the human body’s ECG, heart rate and other information, professional algorithm and circuit design technology, and the measurement results reach medical grade It can quickly detect ECG data, automatically assess various arrhythmias such as premature beats and atrial fibrillation, and provide medical-grade ECG waveforms to help timely detect and prevent hidden dangers to heart health.
