Vital sign monitoring solution—smart mattress

The vital sign monitoring solution (smart mattress) uses piezoelectric film as the core component of physiological monitoring, and uses the resting state of human sleep to carry out accurate scientific vital sign monitoring.The light transmitted in the film can have different reflections through the weak vibration generated by people’s heartbeat, breathing, turning and other movements lying on the mattress. Then, the sensor converts these different reflected signals into electronic signals, and uses specific algorithms to accurately measure the heart rate, breathing, and body movement amplitude.

When the user lies in the film, it is like squeezing a continuously flowing pipe with his hand. The flow rate of water will change with different strength. The film is much more sensitive than the water pipe, so it can monitor the weak vibration of human heartbeat and respiration, and at the same time it has no radiation, static electricity and high temperature resistance.

After processing the user’s heart rate, respiration, sleep, blood pressure, blood sugar and other data, the smart mattress solution processes them through the relevant algorithms of the platform to form the user’s vital sign information, and directly feeds back to the user through the applet to find out the abnormal real-time warning.

In the collected data, the smart mattress solution compares the user’s specific vital signs and reference values, and triggers an alarm within a certain range. The reference value system will have a certain preset, and you can also adjust it according to the actual situation.

Smart mattress solutions of Plus1Health provide 24-hour comprehensive vital sign monitoring and comprehensive ,detailed sleep and health reports.
