What are the dangers of snoring?

Snoring is a very common disease. If it is not pay attention to in life, it may even lead to sudden death. Snoring is a very harmful thing. So what are the effects of this situation on the body?

1. suffocation

The airway of snoring patients is narrow, and they need to open their mouth to breathe to help sleep. After falling asleep, the mouth is habitually closed, and it is easy to hold the breath. After holding the breath for more than a certain period of time, it will cause suffocation and death.

2. Harmful to mental health

Due to long-term snoring, the quality of sleep of patients cannot be guaranteed, so that patients will experience dizziness, headache, lack of concentration and other symptoms during work and study during the day, which will eventually lead to menstrual weakness, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases, and it is easy to form Personality disorders such as inferiority complex, loneliness, anxiety, etc.

3. Cardiovascular disease

Risk of abnormal cardiovascular disease and snoring are closely related. According to the survey, snoring will promote the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. For example, patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, coronary heart disease, and have severe snoring. Snoring has become the third type of disease that endangers human life.

4. Affect sleep

When snoring patients sleep at night, apnea often occurs, which leads to the inability of patients to enter deep sleep, affects the quality of sleep of patients, leads to drowsiness and mental fatigue during the day, and hinders normal work and life.

5. Insufficient blood oxygen

Snoring will cause frequent apnea in patients, resulting in too low blood oxygen concentration in the patient’s body and brain, resulting in hypoxia in the brain.

6. Affect fetal development

If a woman snores, it can also affect fetal development. Women snoring during pregnancy will have a great impact on the growth and development of the fetus. Frequent snoring can lead to fetal hypoxia, which seriously affects the dual development of fetal growth and intelligence.

7. Affect facial image

Women who snoring will have yellow complexion, rough skin, fat accumulation, bad breath, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and other serious symptoms due to poor blood circulation, which will greatly damage their health, and even 3 years to 15 years in advance into menopause.

8. Gastroesophageal reflux

When a person snores, the airway is in a compressed state, and the pressure in the abdominal cavity increases. If the stomach itself is not good, it may cause gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn, indigestion and other symptoms.

9. Influence others to rest

Snoring will affect the rest of others, especially between husband and wife. If the other party sleeps lightly, the patient snores too loudly and cannot rest well. After a long time, it may affect the relationship between husband and wife.

Snoring is a very common situation, but the harm caused by this situation cannot be underestimated. Frequent snoring will not only affect people’s sleep quality, but also easily lead to various diseases. Snoring must be actively treated and prevented.

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder that can do sleep monitoring, monitor heart rate, breathing rate, and screen for sleep apnea, and issue timely and accurate reports. There is also a free snoring APP called “Snore Tracker “.
