What are the symptoms and dangers of arrhythmia?

What are the main hazards of arrhythmia? Experts said that there are the following hazards that patients need to pay attention to:

First, serious arrhythmia can cause bradycardia, or arrhythmia syndromes such as tachycardia.

Second, when arrhythmia occurs, the changes in the systolic procedures of the atrium and the ventricle will cause abnormal blood circulation in the patient’s body, and the patient’s cardiac output will decrease by about 30%, which will cause the patient to experience some symptoms such as conscientiousness, chest tightness, and weakness.

Third, arrhythmia can lead to sudden death, among which ventricular tachycardia, cardiac too slow, the incidence of sudden death caused by ventricular fibrillation and conduction block is higher.

You must know that arrhythmia is very common in daily life. About 540,000 people die of sudden cardiac death in my country every year. Nearly 90% of sudden deaths are caused by arrhythmia, but people’s awareness of their harm is far from enough. It can be seen that, understanding cardiac arrhythmia is important.

The common uncomfortable symptoms of arrhythmia are episodic palpitations and palpitation. Patients will feel a sudden blockage in their throat and chest tightness. For severe patients, they will sometimes be accompanied by symptoms of dizziness, amaurosis, and sometimes aphasia. , hemiplegia and other cerebral infarction. Experts tell us that mild arrhythmia generally does not have much impact, but the onset time is long, and patients experience blackening, dizziness, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, and even sudden fainting and shock in some patients. At this time, you should go to the hospital in time, and you cann’t miss the best time for treatment.

For the treatment of arrhythmia, it is best to follow the principle of early treatment if there is a disease, and prevention if there is no disease. When you occasionally feel a little uncomfortable in your heart, you can first monitor it with equipment. We have an ECG record, the instrument can do this monitoring. At the same time, our patients should also live a regular life, have a reasonable diet, ensure adequate sleep, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and never ignore their illness.
