What are the symptoms and harms of sleep apnea syndrome?

People sometimes hear that some people around you have sleep snoring at night (with apnea) and sleepiness during the day, and think it’s just a matter of poor sleep, snoring, and some people even think that snoring is sleep fragrance performance. In fact, these phenomena are sleep breathing diseases of unknown etiology, which are common and seriously endanger human health. The disease has different degrees of apnea and hypopnea during sleep, and the direct pathogenesis is the stenosis and obstruction of the upper airway (but its pathogenesis is not a simple airway obstruction, it is actually the collapse of the upper airway, accompanied by the respiratory central nervous system moderator disorder), medically known as obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).

The effects of sleep apnea syndrome on the body are enormous. Clinical manifestations are:

1. Snoring (vibration of the soft palate). This snoring is different from simple snoring, the volume is loud and very loud; the snoring is irregular and intermittent;

2. Fatigue or drowsiness during the day;

3. Apnea occurs during sleep, sometimes wake up suddenly, or even sit up suddenly, sweat profusely, and feel near death;

4. Nocturia increases, and individual patients have enuresis;

5. Headache in the morning;

6. Decreased intelligence and memory and personality changes, including short-tempered, depression, etc.;

7. The most important consequence at present is the relationship with chronic diseases. OSAHS can cause high blood pressure and is closely related to coronary heart disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, and sudden death.

Therefore, snoring is often a symptom, and the hidden sleep apnea behind it may lead to systemic problems, seriously affecting the quality of life, physical health and work ability, and it is necessary to actively treat it. 

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder that can do sleep monitoring, monitor heart rate, breathing rate, etc. It can also screen for sleep apnea, and automatically generate sleep reports and analysis.
