What are the ways to check for atrial fibrillation?  

Atrial fibrillation is the abbreviation of atrial fibrillation, which is the most common arrhythmia. There are more than 10 million patients with atrial fibrillation in China. With the increase of age, the prevalence of atrial fibrillation has risen sharply, even reaching 10% among people over 75 years old.

Atrial fibrillation screening methods include blood pressure measurement, pulse palpation, electrocardiogram screening, long-term holter screening, implanted holter screening and smart phones.

Through pulse palpation and automatic blood pressure measurement, although such methods are simple and easy to operate, there is a high probability of missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.

Most ECG needs to be carried out in medical institutions, and the heart rate can only be recorded for about 10 seconds. For patients with fewer atrial fibrillation attacks and irregular patterns, the examination rate is low.

However, implantable holter is expensive and needs to be implanted with equipment for screening atrial fibrillation. At present, most patients are not willing to accept it.

The current popularity of smart phones, almost everyone has a single lead ECG recording through smart phones, which can track the rhythm for a longer time and is expected to further improve the detection rate of atrial fibrillation.

For patients with hidden ECG screening, the application of long-term holter and implantable holter should be increased to make up for the short recording time of ordinary ECG and reduce the missed diagnosis rate of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation.

Plus1Health has an ECG monitoring app——AFibCheck or wearable ECG patch and supporting ECG monitoring scheme, which can also realize remote ECG monitoring function. Home ECG monitoring can be carried out immediately, and real-time ECG report can be issued.
