What are types of heart monitors?

There are several different types of heart monitors. Several are clinically approved.

1.Holter monitor

A Holter monitor is a wearable device that records a continuous ECG, usually for one to two days. Newer Holter monitors allow continuous monitoring for weeks.

2.Event monitors

A cardiac event monitor is similar to a Holter monitor. It is used for long-term monitoring of symptoms that occur infrequently.

Heart patients can wear these pager-sized devices for longer periods, typically 30 days. They can use them to record heart activity as symptoms occur. In some devices, the ECG can be sent by telephone to the patient’s health care team.

With the push of a button, an event monitor will record and store your heart’s electrical activity as symptoms occur. Your doctor analyzes and interprets the results and recommends treatment.

There are different types of event monitors, including wearable and implanted devices.

3.Loop memory monitor

A looping memory monitor stores your ECG for the period before and during your symptoms.

4.Patch recorder

A heart monitor patch is an adhesive that is applied to the chest region. They are typically worn for up to two weeks and then returned to the doctor to have the recordings analyzed.

5.Symptom event monitor

The symptom event monitor is a hand-held or wearable device that is activated and placed in the chest during symptoms.

6.Implanted loop recorder

The implantable looping monitor is a pager-sized heart activity recorder that is placed under the skin of the chest for up to three years.

7.New generation devices

People can now use smartphones and smartwatches to monitor their heart rate and detect issues, such as irregular heart rhythm.

Plus1health has a portable 24-hour Holter ECG recorder,it is compact and exquisite, record arrhythmia situations, automatically generate electrocardiogram and report analysis.

Here are two free heart rate monitor apps— “Heart Rate” and “AFibCheck“, it is simple and convenient to operate,which can be downloaded and used after searching in the mobile app store.
