What factors can cause sleep apnea syndrome?

1. Dysplasia of the maxilla and mandible, or deformity of the maxilla and mandible, which is one of the important reasons for the onset of sleep apnea syndrome.

2. Abnormal pathological changes in the upper airway anatomy, including nasal or nasopharyngeal stenosis, laryngeal stenosis, etc. In addition, factors such as abnormal tension of the upper airway dilator or abnormal regulation function of the respiratory center may also lead to the occurrence of this disease.

3. Systemic diseases, including hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, that can also cause this abnormal symptom.

4. Obesity is common among middle-aged men, who have a certain family genetic history. Therefore, if the weight can be strictly controlled, it can also effectively alleviate the severity of the disease.

5. Unhealthy living habits, including frequent staying up late or heavy smoking, drinking, etc.

6. Asthma. The study found an association between asthma and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea.

7. Family history of sleep apnea. If your family has obstructive sleep apnea, the risk may increase.

Here is a free snore-recording app called “Snore Tracker“. You can also monitor your sleep and health status at any time with the help of the sleep recorder of Plus1Health.
