What is atrial fibrillation (AFib or AF)? Can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure?

Atrial fibrillation(also called AFIB or AF) is a shaking or irregular heartbeat(arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure, and other heart-related conplications. At least 2.7 million Americans have AFib.

Normally, your heart contracts and relaxes to a regular beat. In atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers of the heart(atria) beat irregularly(fibrillation) rather than efficiently to move blood into the ventricles.

If the clot breaks off, enters the bloodstream and becomes lodged in the arteries leading to the brain, a stroke can result. About 15-20% of stroke patients have this arrhythmia. This risk of blood clots is why patients with this condition take blood thinners.

Although untreated atrail fibrillation doubles the risk of heart-related death and increases the risk of stroke fivefold, many patients are unaware that AFib is a serious condition. 

A free testing app: AFibCheck .
