What is the role of ECG in chronic disease checking?

Chronic disease is the abbreviation of chronic non-infectious disease. It mainly includes a group of diseases represented by lifestyle and environmental risk factors, including tumors, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although the etiology of chronic diseases is complex or unclear, most diseases are preventable and controllable. Chronic diseases have high morbidity, disability and die rates in the population, consume social resources seriously, and endanger the health of the labor force. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases is particularly important.

Benign cardiac tumors can be detected by electrocardiography, and it is found that the myocardial damage is left atrial hypertrophy. Through echocardiography, abnormal echo signals can be seen in the cardiac cavity, and cardiac space-occupying, benign cardiac tumors can be found by magnetic resonance, chest CT, etc. The effect of general surgery is better. For smaller tumors, dynamic observation can be performed, and there are no obvious clinical symptoms, so special treatment can be temporarily not required.

For cardiovascular disease, the basic test is an electrocardiogram. However, in the early stage of coronary heart disease, the electrocardiogram often has no obvious changes. When a history of coronary heart disease is highly suspected, coronary angiography is required, which is the gold standard for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. In the case of acute myocardial infarction and other diseases, ECG, myocardial enzyme spectrum, troponin and other tests are very important, other tests include ambulatory blood pressure, echocardiography, etc.

Diabetic heart disease patients need to do an electrocardiogram to determine the beating state of the patient’s heart and make a preliminary judgment. Patients also require fasting blood glucose testing to avoid misdiagnosis. In addition, a series of routine examinations such as CT, MRI and B-ultrasound are required. Through these tests, you can understand your physical condition, so as to better achieve the purpose of treatment.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is generally diagnosed by a combination of medical history and accompanying symptoms. General examination methods can be done by electrocardiogram to determine whether the heart function is normal. It is also necessary to do chest X-ray examination, as well as blood routine, blood gas analysis, blood oxygen saturation, and pulmonary function tests to help confirm the diagnosis. Need to take oxygen, drugs and other treatment methods to improve symptoms.

It can be seen that most chronic diseases can reflect abnormal conditions through electrocardiogram. Therefore, ECG is very important in clinical practice. Of course, special emphasis is placed on doing ECG when symptoms occur, and the sensitivity and specificity will be relatively better. However, due to the transient characteristics of heart disease attacks, it is difficult to accurately capture, and the traditional ECG detection is cumbersome to operate. Therefore, patients with heart disease need to do daily regular monitoring.

Plus1Health has an ECG recorder, which can monitor ECG, issue ECG in time, and support single-lead,3-lead,6-lead, and 12-lead. There is also an ECG watch development solution, and a free APP “AFibCheck“, which can be downloaded and used by searching in the mobile application store, and the operation is simple and convenient.
