What’s a normal heart rate?

A normal heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.

To measure your heart rate, simply check your pulse. Place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. To check your pulse at your wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over your radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist.

When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate your beats per minute.

Keep in mind that many factors can influence heart rate, including:


Fitness and activity levels

Being a smoker

Having cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol or diabetes

Air temperature

Body position (standing up or lying down, for example)


Body size


Although there’s a wide range of normal, an unusually high or low heart rate may indicate an underlying problem. Consult your doctor if your heart rate is consistently above 100 beats a minute (tachycardia) or if you’re not a trained athlete and your heart rate is below 60 beats a minute (bradycardia) — especially if you have other signs or symptoms, such as fainting, dizziness or shortness of breath.

When a person has heart palpitations, they may notice that their heartbeat does not feel right. Often, heart palpitations are not serious, but they can indicate a condition that needs medical attention.

People are not usually aware of their heartbeat, but sometimes, it comes to their notice. This may be because their heart is pounding too hard, too fast, too slow, or irregularly.

Many factors can trigger heart palpitations. Some causes include physical or mental stress,anxiety, dehydration, and lack up sleep.

However, they can also indicate an underlying heart problem.
