The best mobile device for medical and health intelligent hardware – ECG device

The audience of medical and health intelligent hardware has the characteristics of segmentation, and users may develop from health needs to medical needs at any time.

At present, in the field of medical and health intelligent hardware mobile devices, the competition between blood pressure meters and blood glucose meters is the most intense. However, in the face of sophisticated and complex ECG devices and unpredictable ECG waveforms, most companies still have no confidence to take the initiative, and can only marvel at the market of hundreds of millions of cardiovascular people.

Cardiovascular patients are characterized by a large number of patients, large reserve population, high mortality rate and high difficulty in emergency treatment. For the long-term management of cardiovascular diseases, it is mainly phased health care. In order to better conduct disease screening and postoperative monitoring, systematic and intelligent management is the development goal.

At present, the operation modes of ECG equipment manufacturers in the market mainly include:

1. Only R&D and manufacturing of ECG hardware equipment

Most of these ECG devices are integrated terminals with display screens, which are not equipped with professional ECG analysis software and services. The ECG devices only produce waveforms and no diagnostic results.

2. Both ECG hardware equipment and algorithm

The R&D team makes automatic analysis software. The ECG equipment is equipped with automatic analysis software with different functions to prompt the ECG results, making the professional and complex ECG waveform easier to understand and more suitable for home users.

3. In addition to hardware, algorithms and software, we also provide various services based on ECG products

Considering the particularity of ECG equipment and cardiovascular diseases, various follow-up services must be an essential part of the ECG market, such as remote ECG monitoring and rescue, cardiac health management, etc. Such comprehensive businesses require higher requirements for the company.

Plus1Health is the third kind of ECG equipment manufacturer, which includes ECG hardware equipment, algorithms and software, and services based on ECG products. It can provide ECG products and solutions, such as ECG stickers, ECG watches/bracelets, and remote ECG monitoring.
