According to the principle of sleep monitoring, which sleep monitoring device is easier to use?

Different sleep monitoring products are different in principle, which is mainly affected by hardware products. Multi-channel sleep monitoring system is a medical device, during which various data from sleep, such as turning over, respiratory rate, eye movement, brain wave, heart rate, etc. These data can be used to judge the sleep status of patients and possible diseases, so that doctors can treat them symptomatically.

The polysomnography monitoring equipment is relatively professional, but as a medical device, it is impossible to enter the home, and the general population does have the need to understand the sleep status and improve sleep in daily life. Therefore, many sleep monitoring devices also appear, and the principle of different devices is different.

We usually see watch bracelets and so on. In fact, watch bracelets are not enough to monitor sleep status. It can not monitor multiple data like medical devices. At most, it is to detect wrist movements to simply judge whether the user is asleep, and the error is relatively large.

There is also software that directly uses mobile phones to monitor the user’s activity frequency in the sleep process, roughly using the acceleration sensor in the mobile phone, but its monitoring data is relatively simple and the judgment is not accurate enough. Other devices can judge the body movement during sleep through radio frequency monitoring. Similarly, its monitoring data is single, and there are radiation problems.

The Plus1Health monitoring data is more accurate than the sleep recorder. How does the Plus1Health sleep recorder monitor?

1. Place the sleep monitor under the bed sheet, close to the chest heart.

2. Power on the sleep recorder, and the blue light flashes to indicate normal operation.

3. Open the applet, open the mobile phone Bluetooth, and search for connected devices.

4. Check the real-time heart rate and respiration, check the status displayed by the applet corresponding to turning over and leaving the bed, and exit the applet when you do not need to check.
