Smart home care platform for the development of elderly care industry brands

In recent years, the intelligent process of pensions has been changing with each passing day, and almost every pension enterprise is undergoing transformation. Times are changing and technology is changing. In other fields and industries, intelligent applications have been relatively complete. However, in the pension industry, especially the traditional pension model, it is still in the basic operation stage, and some are even manually registering the corresponding data information.

China’s elderly population has reached more than 200 million, and such a large user group (90% of the home-based elderly) cannot achieve scale without the support of intelligent power. Elderly care is a labor-intensive industry that requires a lot of human input. The high labor cost will increase the labor cost of enterprises. Therefore, the intelligent road of enterprises is the only way to save manpower, optimize processes and improve efficiency.

There are also many types of smart home-based elderly care. There are active needs and passive acceptance; there are government purchases, and there are commercial services; Technical means to provide convenient, efficient and safe elderly care services for home-based elderly care users.

The essence of the smart home care model is big data, artificial intelligence, precise push, medical and nursing integration, health management, and a centralized form of all modern marketing. Therefore, it is not the government, enterprises, or organizations that can do it independently. Multi-party cooperation is needed to jointly deepen research, and to strive to improve the entire pension industry and make it healthy and sound development.

At present, many elderly care institutions or government associations in China are committed to the creation of smart home care platforms. Plus1Health has a smart home care platform and solutions (the elderly care institutions need to build their own nursing teams and self-built home care services center), dedicated to providing one-stop, three-dimensional and all-round quality elderly care services for the elderly in China. Products cover information service platforms, IoT care terminals, etc. Smart home care cannot be stopped, and it must be getting smarter. Only when the grafted technology and equipment are applied in the process of home care services and the formation of industry standardization can the brand drainage of this industry be finally realized.
