A 12-year-old child wearing Apple Watch detected abnormal heart rate increase and found rare cancer

The latest tweet from IANS India said: “It is reported that the family of a 12-year-old girl believed that the heart monitoring function of Apple Watch saved her life – helping to find a rare cancer in children.”

One night, Imani Mile’s Apple Watch began to remind her of abnormal heart rate rise.

Jessica Kitchen, Imani Mile’s mother, took her to the hospital and the doctor diagnosed her with appendicitis. During the operation, they found a neuroendocrine related cancer in her appendix, which is rare in children.

The doctor later learned that the cancer had spread to other parts of Imani Mile’s body. She underwent surgery at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and removed the remaining cancerous disease. “If she didn’t have that watch, the situation would be worse,” Jessica Kitchen told Hour Detroit.

In July this year, Apple Watch helped doctors find a rare tumor in the heart of a woman who had received many warnings of atrial fibrillation.

This is a real case, which can be viewed on OrissaPOST——“Apple Watch helps detect rare cancer in 12-yr-old girl ”.

How does the ECG Watch monitor your ECG?

Every heartbeat produces a tiny amount of electricity. The ECG smart watch can track and analyze these electrical signals with its advanced ECG sensor.

ECG is a diagnostic test used to diagnose cardiac abnormalities, such as arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, cardiac arrest, etc.

If the ECG smart watch cannot detect cardiac arrest, but can detect arrhythmia or irregular rhythm, this may be an early signal of cardiac arrest. Therefore, if your smart watch detects and reminds you of arrhythmia, you must rush to the nearby hospital immediately.

Plus1Health can provide the solution of ECG smart watch, and health starts from the core.
