
What is ECG monitoring?

ECG monitoring refers to the continuous or periodic measurement of a person’s heart activity using an ECG. An ECG monitor records and displays the electrical impulses generated by your heart as it beats, providing information about its rhythm, rate, and other features. There are different types of ECG monitoring depending on the duration of recording …

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What are the methods for monitoring heart rate variability (HRV)?

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the changes in speed between the heartbeat and the heart rate. Generally speaking, the higher the HRV, the better it is, representing better cardiovascular function and stress resistance. Monitoring HRV can help to understand the following situations: 1. It can be used as an important indicator to reflect the …

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Why should heart disease patients undergo sleep monitoring?

Sleep is closely related to heart health. Sleep monitoring for heart disease patients can help identify the following issues: 1. Heart burden: During sleep, the burden on the heart changes. For heart disease patients, the heart may experience additional stress and load during sleep. Monitoring sleep can help evaluate the function and workload of the …

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What is the relationship between snoring and hypertension?

Snoring is related to high blood pressure, mainly caused by sleep apnea syndrome. In addition, it may also be related to physiological factors such as improper sleeping posture and excessive fatigue. 1. Hypertension Secondary hypertension is generally considered to be related to kidney disease, brain lesions, sleep apnea syndrome, and other conditions. Snoring may be …

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Smart Snoring Prevention Mattress Solution – Physical Snoring Prevention to Improve Sleep Quality

It is understood that people who snore for a long time are likely to suffer from OSAHS. Approximately three thousand people worldwide die from this disease every day, and almost all patients have a history of snoring during sleep, with approximately one in five snorers suffering from this disease. If sleep monitoring confirms that snoring has …

Smart Snoring Prevention Mattress Solution – Physical Snoring Prevention to Improve Sleep Quality Leer más »

Smart Mattress Product APP Development Solution

The development of a smart mattress app can monitor users’ sleep status, allowing them to sleep more securely. The living pressure of modern urbanites is increasing, and having a good sleep state is particularly important. The smart mattress and app not only allows users to sleep soundly, but also displays their sleep status on the app, allowing …

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Plus1Health sleep detection module, supporting secondary development, can be applied to various scenarios such as institutional elderly care, community elderly care, home elderly care, smart mattresses, maternity centers, health hotels

The Plus1Health sleep detection module is a module that focuses on collecting data on human vital signs. The module utilizes sensors and software to accurately detect real human vital signs. The module has the characteristics of small size, convenient appearance design, and low power consumption, combined with software and a precise and unique algorithm summarized …

Plus1Health sleep detection module, supporting secondary development, can be applied to various scenarios such as institutional elderly care, community elderly care, home elderly care, smart mattresses, maternity centers, health hotels Leer más »

What safety factors should be considered when wearing a heart-rate monitor during sleep?

However, it’s important to ensure that the heart-rate monitor you are using is designed and intended for continuous wear during sleep. Some monitors may not be specifically designed for overnight use or may cause discomfort during sleep, which could disrupt your sleep quality. Here are a few considerations when wearing a heart-rate monitor during sleep: …

What safety factors should be considered when wearing a heart-rate monitor during sleep? Leer más »
