ECG smart watch module scheme, heart rate and ECG monitoring, analysis of fatigue, prevention of sports injury and sudden death

It has been widely recognized that excessive exercise or fatigue exercise can cause sports injury, but it is still difficult to judge. Smart watches with ECG function mainly rely on accurate measurement of exercise heart rate and fatigue test to prevent sports injury. Exercise heart rate monitoring is used to monitor exercise intensity in real time during exercise, prevent sports injury and provide exercise efficiency; fatigue test is used to evaluate the physical condition before exercise to prevent sports injury caused by excessive exercise.

The main functions of heart rate monitor are:

1. It can reflect the real information of the user’s body when exercising. If the heart rate is too high and the exercise is too intense, and the user’s body water evaporates too fast, then this exercise is not beneficial to the body. If the heart rate is not high enough for light exercise, the user will not be able to burn enough calories, thus not achieving the expected exercise effect.

2. By monitoring whether the resting heart rate is within the normal range, monitoring cardiac arrest and abnormal increase of heart rate in daily activities can play a timely role in preventing disease, and even detecting whether the heart rate is abnormal by monitoring the heart rate. In addition, the pulse wave signal PPG changes can also be monitored through the optical capacitance pulse wave sensor to analyze the pulse rate, blood oxygen concentration, microcirculation and peripheral vascular status of diabetes patients.

3. The monitored HRV heart rate variability can be used to analyze the assessment of autonomic nervous function, such as mental stress, tension and relaxation, and sleep quality.

The main functions of ECG monitor are:

1. Prevention of sports injury: monitor the intensity of sports in real time to prevent sports injury and improve sports efficiency; the fatigue and stress tests are used to evaluate the physical condition before exercise to prevent sports injury caused by excessive exercise.

2. Prevention of sudden death from exercise: before sudden death from exercise, abnormal changes will occur in the electrocardiogram of sudden death. If the abnormal changes of ECG can be captured and treated in time, it will make a great contribution to the prevention of sports sudden death.

The PLUS101 module adopts a self-developed high-sensitivity ECG acquisition module, which can directly collect ECG data, and convert the measured HRV value to fatigue and stress, and achieve the purpose of convenient testing and use on the premise of ensuring accuracy. Users can adjust the exercise intensity according to fatigue.

The PLUS101 module adopts single-lead ECG monitoring, which has good reference value for arrhythmia detection, such as ventricular premature beats, atrial fibrillation, etc.; at the same time, single-lead ECG also has certain diagnostic value for myocardial ischemia.

In the daily cardiac health management, users can use the ECG watch as a daily monitoring and abnormal prompt tool. When the ECG data is abnormal, they can go to the hospital for detailed ECG monitoring and detection, so as to play the role of prevention and treatment.
