ECG watch scheme, PPG and ECG module, real-time monitoring and abnormal warning

The two main technologies equipped with smart watch products are PPG and ECG.

The full name of PPG is photocapacitance pulse wave tracing. In principle, it emits a light beam of a certain wavelength (generally green light) to the skin, and then it is received by the photoelectric receiver through transmission or reflection. It processes and displays the periodic light intensity changes detected in this process due to blood circulation, and generates pulse data.

PPG can also be used to measure the blood oxygen value. The principle is that the blood reflectivity with different oxygen content is different. It can also be detected by photoelectric receiver, and then processed and estimated by algorithm to obtain the blood oxygen value.

PPG technology can calculate pulse, blood oxygen and even blood pressure, which is more suitable for normalization monitoring. Therefore, some smart watch products are equipped with small air bags and pressure sensors for specific blood pressure measurement needs, and use more traditional and clinical oscillographic methods to accurately measure blood pressure.

ECG refers to electrocardiogram, but when applied to smart watches, there is a big gap in scale with the monitoring methods of large equipment and multiple patch electrodes commonly used in hospitals. The principle is to collect bioelectric signals, and the potential differences and changes in different parts of the human body can be restored to a variety of values including heart rate after algorithm processing.

The measurement method of ECG principle on intelligent wearable devices is more accurate than PPG, but the coverage is relatively smaller. The ECG itself can reflect quite a lot of data on human health.

The PLUS101 module of Plus1Health uses PPG and ECG detection to realize monitoring, analysis and early warning. Based on pulse wave technology and hardware standards, ECG measurement principle is used to collect cardiac bioelectric signals, and real-time detect atrial fibrillation, premature beats and other arrhythmia problems. It is suitable for irregular work and rest, high intensity, elderly people, professional ECG auxiliary report, and understand physical conditions at any time and anywhere. Monitor the heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, ECG and other data from time to time. The APP dynamically reminds the family of the health status. If the background analysis is completed, it will timely send early warning information to the watch and relatives, tachycardia/bradycardia alarm, atrial fibrillation monitoring alarm, abnormal alarm, etc.
