How to prevent high blood pressure?

Hypertension, also known as elevated blood pressure, is a phenomenon in which the pressure on the blood vessel wall is continuously higher than normal when blood flows in the blood vessels. Hypertension is often called the “silent killer”. Most patients can get sick without any symptoms, and long-term pressure on the blood vessel wall that is higher than normal will lead to coronary heart disease, stroke and other serious diseases.

Hypertension is a very common phenomenon in modern society, and it is getting younger and younger. Many young people also have symptoms of hypertension. So prevention should start with us. In order to prevent hypertension, diet is the key first. We must eat less food with high fat and cholesterol, and eat light food. Then there is the habit of paying attention to the law and health of life and not staying up all night.

1. Regular blood pressure measurement is an effective way to detect hypertension at an early stage, especially for patients with a family history of hypertension. Patients with no family history of hypertension should have their blood pressure measured regularly from the age of 40, at least 2 to 3 times a year. If there are some dizziness, headache and other symptoms, their blood pressure should be measured in time.

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2. It is limited salt. The salt intake is positively related to the incidence of hypertension. The World Health Organization stipulates that the daily salt intake per person should not exceed six grams, which is good for preventing hypertension.

3. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption. Long term heavy smoking will cause small arteries to contract. Over time, the elasticity of arteries will become hard and the lumen will become narrow, which will form persistent hypertension. Alcohol is the second largest killer of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases after tobacco. Alcohol must be limited.

4. It is weight loss. Obesity will increase the load of the heart, leading to cardiac hypertrophy and arteriosclerosis, which are prone to hypertension and cerebral hemorrhage.

5. It means proper exercise. Lack of physical exercise may lead to fat accumulation, weight gain and high blood pressure.

6. It is to avoid excessive tension, because hypertension is a physical and mental disease, and any mental stimulation can increase blood pressure. Reasonably arrange life, combine work with rest, maintain psychological balance, avoid all kinds of bad stimuli, and relax, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of hypertension.

7. The diet should be light, the food should be diversified, the protein intake should be guaranteed, and more fruits and vegetables should be eaten.

8. Take a reasonable rest and keep the stool smooth.

9. Increasing the intake of potassium and calcium can prevent cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension.
