How to take care of high blood pressure?

1. Keep your mood comfortable

Spiritual stimulation has a great impact on the treatment of hypertension. Some patients are even too excited to cause hypertension to soar in a short time. Therefore, patients should pay more attention to the adjustment of personal emotions and face the treatment of hypertension with a positive and optimistic attitude to help themselves better control the disease.

2. Pay attention to diet

The salt ions in salt will cause water retention in the human body, and then lead to increased blood volume, affecting the treatment of hypertension, so patients must maintain a light diet in life.

3. Diet

According to relevant research, the average life span of obese people is lower than that of people with normal weight. This is because overweight can lead to angina pectoris or heart failure, affect the elasticity of blood vessels, and cause hypertension. Therefore, patients should pay attention to the control of personal weight.

4. Have a reasonable rest

If the lack of rest for a long time will affect human health, it is better to ensure 7-9 hours of sleep every day.

5. Proper exercise

Long term lack of exercise will affect the metabolism of the human body, leading to high incidence of hypertension. Therefore, you should keep exercising at least three times a week for more than 30 minutes each time.

6. Frequently check blood pressure

Due to the volatility of hypertension, patients should develop the habit of regular detection.

There is a free heart rate monitor app – “AFibCheck“, which can be downloaded and used after searching in the mobile app store. It is simple and convenient to operate.

It is not difficult to treat hypertension. As long as personal conditioning and medical treatment are combined, it can be controlled in a short time. But in the process of treating hypertension, patients should pay attention to it and face the treatment of hypertension with a positive and optimistic attitude, so as to help patients quickly get rid of the harm of hypertension and recover their health.
