How to understand an ECG?

Understanding an ECG requires some professional knowledge and here are a few basic steps that beginners can follow:

1.Confirm the lead: ECG usually consists of 12 leads. Before examining the ECG, make sure you’re looking at the correct lead.

2.Observe waveforms: A normal ECG should contain P-waves, QRS complexes, and T-waves. These different waveforms reflect the electrical activity of the heart during different phases in one cardiac cycle.

3.Analyze rhythm: A normal ECG should show sinus rhythm(which means steady and regular beats controlled by sinoatrial node). If there’s no sinus rhythm, further analysis is needed to determine whether there are other types of arrhythmias or heart rate problems.

4.Detect ST segment changes: The ST segment represents a horizontal line formed after minor oscillations caused by left ventricular pressure and coronary artery perfusion during systole to diastole period; its abnormality may indicate ischemia or acute coronary syndrome.

5.Look for other special markers: Find corresponding markers in ECG according to doctor’s instructions or focus on specific situations for analysis.

Overall, understanding and interpreting an ECG requires experience and professional knowledge. If you need more detailed explanations or have any questions, please consult with your doctor or other professionals.

Plus1Health has an ECG recorder that can perform 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring and provide ECG report analysis.

Here is a free APP – “AFibCheck“, which can be downloaded and used after searching in the mobile app store. It is simple and convenient to operate.
