What are the methods for monitoring heart rate variability (HRV)?

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the changes in speed between the heartbeat and the heart rate. Generally speaking, the higher the HRV, the better it is, representing better cardiovascular function and stress resistance.

Monitoring HRV can help to understand the following situations:

1. It can be used as an important indicator to reflect the function of the autonomic nervous system, as well as its ability to regulate cardiovascular system and reflect whether cardiac activity is normal.

2. It can help predict and judge the condition of heart disease.

3. It can be used to track diseases related to autonomic nervous activity, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, etc.

4. It can be used as an early warning signal to predict the risk of acute myocardial infarction and diabetes neuropathy.

5. As an independent predictive indicator of the risk of sudden cardiac death, it is of great significance in evaluating the prognosis of cardiovascular diseases and predicting acute cardiovascular diseases.

How can HRV be monitored?

1. Mobile App

Download the “Heart Rate” or “AFibCheck” app, open the app, press your finger tightly against the camera, click “Start”, and the results will be obtained in 30 seconds to 1 minute.

2. Smart Watch/Bracelet

Nowadays, most smartwatches/bracelets can monitor HRV, with ECG watches/bracelets having higher monitoring accuracy. ECG watches generally use PPG+ECG technology, which is relatively more accurate than PPG.

3. Heart rate band

The heart rate band (Plus1Health Sleep Recorder) can also monitor HRV, and its monitoring data has the highest accuracy compared to the above two methods.
