What can an ECG recorder detect?

An ECG recorder can detect the following aspects:

1.Heart rhythm: The ECG can display the heart’s rhythm and rate. If you feel discomfort or concern, a doctor can use the ECG to determine if there is an abnormal heart rate.

2.Myocardial ischemia: When coronary artery blood supply is insufficient, it may lead to myocardial ischemia, which is a serious condition. The ECG can help diagnose whether there is myocardial ischemia and determine its severity.

3.Abnormal ventricular wall motion: In some cases (such as aortic regurgitation), left ventricular dysfunction may cause problems such as increased end-diastolic volume of the left ventricle and decreased contractile ability,which are related to specific manifestations that could be detected by an ECG.

4.Oxygen uptake test results: An oxygen uptake test is typically used for evaluating patient oxygen content level and respiratory function status while an ECG monitors changes occurring during this test.

5.Other applications include sleep monitoring, exercise fitness etc..In summary, an ECG is a simple yet effective diagnostic tool that plays an important role in diagnosing and treating many diseases in various fields of application.

Plus1Health has an ECG recorder that can perform 24-hour ambulatory ECG monitoring and provide ECG report analysis.

Here is a free APP – “AFibCheck“, which can be downloaded and used after searching in the mobile app store. It is simple and convenient to operate.
