Why do people snore when they sleep? Is there any way to relieve it?

Snoring not only affects the people around you, but also affects your own sleep quality. According to relevant studies, snoring is not a good sign of sleep, but a sign of physical discomfort during sleep.

Why do people snore when they sleep? Ordinary snoring is mostly caused by narrowed airways, enlarged tonsils, etc.. Generally speaking, it is actually poor breathing. Snoring can be caused by a variety of reasons:

1. Go to bed when you drink, drink before going to bed, the effect of alcohol will “paralyze” the muscles of the throat and relax, which is easy to cause snoring;

2. Stay up all night, stay up all night, sleep to the extreme, and sleep deeply, the muscles of the whole body are instantly relaxed, which in turn causes snoring;

3. Drink less water, and the throat is dry and congested, which is also easy to cause snoring;

4. Cold and stuffy nose, blocked nasal passages, shortness of breath with mouth, causing snoring;

5. Improper sleeping position, lying down and leaning back when sleeping, tongue falling back, blocking the throat and causing snoring.

If you have been troubled by snoring for a long time, or you have been troubled by the snoring of the person next to your pillow for a long time, you can take these methods to relieve the symptoms of snoring.

1. Insist on massaging the four health acupoints of Zhongwan, Yinlingquan, Tianshu and Fenglong every day;

2. Avoid smoking and drinking, because smoking can aggravate respiratory symptoms, and drinking can aggravate snoring, nighttime breathing disorders and hypoxemia;

3. Clean your mouth every night before going to bed, such as gargling, brushing your teeth, etc., which can effectively reduce snoring;

4. Choose a pillow with moderate softness and hardness, and the pillow should not be placed too high, which is conducive to comfortable breathing;

5. Take the sleeping position in the lateral position, especially the right lateral position;

6. Lose weight. Losing a little weight can reduce the fat tissue in the back of the throat and reduce or even stop snoring.

However, if the above methods have no effect after trying, or there is abnormal snoring, such as strong or irregular snoring, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to see if it is suffering from sleep apnea syndrome. Listen to the doctor, get timely treatment and sleep well.

Plus1Health has a free snoring app “Snore Tracker“, which can be downloaded and used in the mobile app store. There is also a sleep recorder device that can do sleep monitoring and screen for sleep apnea syndrome.
