Why should cardiovascular patients need heart rate monitoring?

Research by more and more medical experts shows that one of the important indicators for judging cardiovascular disease is “heart rate”. If the heart rate is accelerated, it will greatly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. Cardiovascular disease patients should manage their heart rate reasonably, optimize their lifestyle, and mix their diets reasonably to ensure a normal life and rest. Cardiovascular disease patients must pay attention to heart rate and do a good job in heart rate management.

The total number of heartbeats in a person’s life is about 2.5 billion to 3 billion times. The regularity of the heartbeat and the number of heartbeats affect human health, especially for patients with cardiovascular disease. Resting heart rate is closely related to cardiovascular disease. Studies have confirmed that people with a fast heart rate at rest have higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and an increased heart rate also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. It can be said that the faster the heart rate, the shorter the lifespan. The increased heart rate reflects sympathetic activity in the body. Sympathetic excitement will secrete a large amount of catecholamines such as epinephrine and norepinephrine. Under the action of these hormones, the heart rate will increase, blood pressure will increase, and breathing will increase. When the sympathetic nerve continues to be active and the level of adrenaline secretion continues to increase substantially, the consumption of the heart also increases.

For patients with cardiovascular disease, abnormal heart rate indicates that cardiovascular disease will worsen, so for patients with cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to pay attention to the normal beating of heart rate in time. When heart rate arrhythmia occurs, people will experience symptoms such as feeling depressed, panicked, nervous. Therefore, when heart rate arrhythmia appears, enough attention should be paid and active treatment methods should be taken.

Plus1Health has a sleep recorder, which can continuously monitor for a long time, monitor heart rate and breathing rate, and automatically generate sleep reports and analysis.There is also a free heart rate app “Heart Rate“:

With the acceleration of the social pace, people’s life is getting better and better, and the number of cardiovascular diseases is increasing, which has a great impact on people’s normal life. For patients with cardiovascular disease, heart rate is a measure of the condition. Whether the standard is stable or not, severe patients will experience sudden death, so patients with vascular diseases must usually pay attention to their heart rate.

Many people in the society experience heart rate beating too fast or too slow. For patients with cardiovascular disease, the increase or decrease of the heart rate directly indicates the change of the condition. The unstable heart rate will cause great harm to the body. Therefore, when the heart rate is abnormal, enough attention should be paid to avoid aggravation of cardiovascular disease.

For the elderly with cardiovascular disease, when the heart rate is abnormal, it will bring great harm to life and health, and it is easy to cause serious blood stasis in the atrium, rapid heartbeat, chest tightness, shortness of breath. It leads to different degrees of atrophy and numbness in the limbs of the elderly, and in severe cases, the elderly may be paralyzed.

In the hot summer, it is necessary to do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down in time to prevent heatstroke from causing the heart rate to beat faster. When the heart rate is abnormal, it will bring different degrees of harm to the body. It should be paid enough attention to prevent arrhythmia in life, and do some sports appropriately, and avoid some high-intensity exercise, which will easily lead to the human body. The heart rate beats faster, and a reasonable diet should be done in the usual diet to ensure adequate sleep to prevent the aggravation of cardiovascular disease.
